Personal Narrative: Saving The Environment

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My entire childhood was basically spent outdoors. My sister and I would catch lizards during the day and go toad hunting at night. My mother would always take us on hikes through the trails near us, and there were always plenty since so much of the area I live in is national forest territory. I was always so amazed by trees, rivers, animals, and all of the noise in the woods (it was like a natural symphony (not sure about this wording)). My family also always had many animals in the house. Through the years we have had: an iguana, a hamster, a guinea pig, a frog, numerous fish, and many faithful dogs. I never got enough of the outdoors so I watched nature shows constantly. Jeff Corwin and Steve Irwin were basically my heroes and role …show more content…

It was just so fantastic being able to see them traveling the world working with animals; working to conserve their environment, teaching others about them, and even learning a thing or two themselves as they

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