Personal Narrative: Personal Injury

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Across my many years of playing sports and being active, I have had multiple injuries and gotten banged up a few times. I have gotten cuts and bruises and twisted ankles many times, but only twice have I had a significant injury. When I was about nine years old, I accidentally flipped over the handlebars while riding a scooter and ended up unknowingly chipping a bone in my elbow. After about seven or eight years, an x-ray showed a bone chip floating around in the elbow joint, and surgery was needed. Even with that injury, I was able to make a quick recovery and get back to playing sports. With my most recent injury, however, I may have a different story. At football practice on the Monday before the first round of the playoffs, I injured my knee during a drill. I was helping another player in my position group work on blocking, when I planted my right leg in an awkward position and went down. I immediately felt the pain of my kneecap being dislocated, and once it was back in place, I still couldn’t straighten my leg. The athletic trainer rushed over to me and calmed me down, then helped me up. I was able to walk from the field all the way to the training room in the field house without help, but was limping badly. I iced my knee and rested, then was taken home by my parents. The athletic trainer instructed me to rest, ice, and elevate my knee, and then the swelling should go down within a day or two and I would be fine to play again. After three days, my knee was still swollen to the size …show more content…

It can either cause a negative attitude and result in a negative impact on a person’s life, or it can cause a positive outcome and attitude which causes the injured person to desire a positive lifestyle. I will have a relentless effort to become a better person and to use what I have to the best of my ability. After all, the use of what I have is not guaranteed, so I must use my God-given abilities fully and

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