Personal Narrative On Skiing

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Six years ago when snow began to fall gently on the ground, the snow-covered mountain with fresh light snow that went up to my knees. I couldn't see anything, even right in front of me. Outside the temperature was cold even with all of the layers that I had on, around noon the snow stopped falling. At this time, I was with my ski group and instructor at this time we were just leaving the lodge after a small break to eat lunch.
About an hour later, starting to creep up on the end of the day, I was starting to become tired. It was the final run of the day, we went down the hardest run that I had ever been on in all my years of skiing. With my dislike of powder, this run didn't bode well for me. We were all racing down the mountain as fast as we could even though we knew that it wasn't a good idea, as it was one of our traditions to race on the last run of the day. I was close to the end of the run and in first place of the students with only my ski instructor left to beat. I became brave and tried to pass him on the ski slope, even though …show more content…

I stumbled, trying to get back footing, but it was too late. I fell and tumbled down the mountain for what felt like a lifetime in the soft snow that began to feel very warm on my snowsuit as I rolled. When I landed, I couldn't move because I was so shocked about what had just happened. All of a sudden, I started to feel my wrist swell up. I tried to choke down the tears, but I couldn't. At first, I didn't register the shooting pain, but as soon as I did, I was surprised at how much it had been hurting. Being a child and not understanding what it felt like to break a bone, and not knowing what I could even do about it. I got back up and skied down the rest of the mountain, now in last place. When I got down to the bottom, I saw my father, there to pick me up from the mountain. When he first saw me, he knew that something was wrong because I never

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