Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Bahamas

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It was early in the morning when I was packing my bags to go on a vacation trip to the Bahamas with my family. I was really excited to finally spend some time with my family and have a week off at work. Our flight was at 2 o clock so we left at 12 to get ahead of the traffic. We got there at about 1 o clock and made sure we packed everything we needed. Before we board the plane we said a prayer and got on the plane. When we got there we were amazed how the Bahamas looked, but I was just ready to go fishing. So we rent a car and went to the hotel to chill for a minute then go to the beach. When we got to the beach it was beautiful, the sand was warm, the water felt nice, and it was a nice breeze. My 12 year old boy Max was anxious to get in …show more content…

We saw all the boats speeding passed us and it was a huge wave coming right at us, we tried to move but our boat ran out of gas, so we held on tight to the boat but the wave was so strong that it tips the boat over. But I manage to escape from under the boat, but I realize that my family hasn’t came up yet , so I went under to get them and they were under the boat so I pulled them out and dragged them to the surface. They were okay, so we climb on top of the bottom of the boat and we watched as the storm pass. We were hungry and thirsty. But we can drink the ocean because if you do you will get dehydrated quickly. But when I was looking around I spotted an island, but it was going to be a long swim, so we jumped off the boat and we started to swim towards the island, Max started to get scare because he is thinking there is a shark following us, so I use my goggles I got from the boat to look and there was a shark but it was far down so we stop swimming for a minute until it went away. And it did so we started swimming again to the island and we eventually made it. So we sat there for a minute lying down tired from all that swimming. It was a big island it had nice sand and it had a lot of palm

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