Personal Narrative: My Trip To Mexico

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My Trip to Mexico In 2014 I took a trip to the Rivera Maya, Mexico over spring break. We had been planing all winter to take the trip and it was actually happening. It was the second time I had been to Mexico and I was so excited to get out of the snow and cold weather we were experiencing in Iowa. Iowa winters are very cold and there's lots of snow, so I was looking forward to the nice weather. This is my one week trip to Mexico where I got to do so many new things. The first day was when we were flying too Mexico and got unpacked at our resort. The flight was about two and a half hours and then we arrived in Mexico. When we arrived we had to go through the customs and international borders protocol and that took a long time because there …show more content…

One thing we did was go snorkeling in a lagoon. When we went snorkeling the two princess of the family, my mom and sister were holding on too each other like they were going to drown. Which they weren't because they obviously had life jackets on. With me I was swimming to the bottom and picking up shell. One shell I found had a slug in it so picked up. I also found some jellylike creature on the bottom of the surface. So being the smart one I am I brought it to the surface. I showed my mom and I've never seen her freak out so much in my life. She thought it was a jellyfish, but we couldn't really tell. After that we went to a cenote which we is a cave that collapse and it's a little pond. My mom was scared and never got in the water but it was really cool. Then one of the days we went snorkeling in the ocean. When we went there were so many fish and seashells. I wanted to take some shells from their but it was a private ocean and you can't take seashells. I tried taking some because I didn't know you couldn't take some and I got in trouble. Then guide the guide took us to see a shark! My mom again freaked out and as soon as she saw the shark. We only got to see the tail of it and it was around three feet long. My mom thought that was how big it was, really it was around 10 feet long. We also went shopping in town. All the seller were trying to sell is stuff and negotiate us to buy stuff. We bought a

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