Personal Narrative: My Mother's Eulogy

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Before I can merge back onto the freeway, Thomas appears on the side of the road. He has his thumb pointed upwards, like he is hitchhiking. I pick him up. He laughs. I laugh, but I feel sad afterwards. My father calls and asks me where I am. He says the funeral is in ten hours. I tell him I am in New Mexico and I will be there in time. When he asks me how the eulogy is coming Thomas rolls his eyes. I consider several different first lines for my mother’s eulogy: My mother was always seeking out quiet moments. My mother never hurt anybody on purpose. I wish I could have known my mother better. Thomas says that none of those lines are any good, that I might as well begin the eulogy with, “My mother was a spineless bitch.” He asks me to tell …show more content…

A young girl in the store asks me if I need any help. I tell her I am looking for a black dress to wear to my mother’s funeral. She says she is sorry and since it is Spring they don’t have many black dresses. The only one they have costs four hundred dollars. Thomas mouths “four hundred dollars.” I tell him I will return it after the funeral. It is velour and it feels soft on my skin. I ask the salesgirl if I can wear the dress out of the store. She looks at me oddly, but she says she doesn’t see why I couldn’t. After she leaves, Thomas says I look beautiful. He says I will be the best-dressed girl at the party. “Funeral,” I correct …show more content…

They are laughing and smiling at one another. I tell Thomas I wish he could come inside with me. I tell him I don’t want to face these people alone. Thomas says that he will be here for me when it is over, that this is something I have to do myself. He winks at me; he tells me that I am strong. I park the car, when I stand, my limbs feel heavy and my eyesight is blurry. I think about my mother, who will sleep forever. When my father sees me, he cries. I touch his shoulder and stare at the space between my fingers. There is lint on his suit. He says that he loves me. My sister demands, “Aren’t you going to tell us that you love us?” I look back at Thomas, but he isn’t in the car anymore. Maybe he has gone to score more pot. I try to say something to my sister and father, but I can’t think of much. Terrible things happen to people who say, “I love you,” when they do not mean it. My boyfriend tells me that sometimes I get stuck in my head. I text my boyfriend. I tell him I have arrived in California. I tell him that I think I am safe. I ask him if he can talk on the phone. He doesn’t text me

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