Personal Narrative: My Life At Hollins University

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Growing up in apartments scattered about the city of Los Angeles, I never understood the close-knit communities I saw represented on television. I was conditioned from birth to avoid neighbors, never speak to them, and understand that our relationship was maintained only by the walls we shared. All of the informational materials from my current institution, Hollins University, promised a small community and a great sisterhood. Settling into this school was a jarring experience, to say the least, because the school so aptly delivered on its promises. Doors were left unlocked, trusting hands left phones on cafeteria tables, and smiles were openly exchanged with strangers on the way to class. While I have grown fond of this small community living in the Hollins Bubble, I need to reconsider my place here for several reasons. My mother solely supports me and my two siblings, one of …show more content…

However, I have felt for some time that I might benefit from a larger private institution. I am a double major in Spanish and art history; both of these are very small programs here at Hollins. While I find my studies generally satisfying I am often dismayed by the lack of resources or diversity in courses with respect to my two disciplines. For example, I have had immense difficulty in the past finding any articles in both subjects for final papers. I wish to pursue a doctorate in Art History and specialize in Latin American art, but there are currently no courses or professors that concentrate on that area of study. I understand that these programs are small because their popularity is also small, but I do find myself frustrated from time to time, repeatedly encountering the same problems and people. Perhaps a new university would provide a much needed influx of change and diversity in

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