Personal Narrative: My Last Semester At Richland College

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The time in my academic life that I though was the most frustrating and stressful was my last semester at Richland College. The reason is because I was taking two science classes (Chemistry and Biology), statics and intro to Kinesiology at the same time. I had to quit my job that I had for almost up to nine months in order to concentrate on those three classes. Most people take those kind of classes while working because they are capable of doing so but to me it was hard especially biology in the sense that I had so many information to digest and integrate in a short period of time. However, I didn’t let that stop me from getting to where I wanted or my goals for the class. I went to the science corner almost every day at my free time asking for questions and explanation in what I didn’t understand. I also went to see my professor during her office hours for more explanations and I had a study group with my classmates helping each other. Since I was in Trio I mostly stay there and I used their computers watching other videos (Khan academic) on the topic that was done in class. Also, I used flashcards and highlighters to picture things so that I could remember them faster since I am a visual learner. …show more content…

Because of all those resources that I used I learn the method of passing the class and although I didn’t make an A (my goal) I was still happy because the people that I work with, study with and socialize with knew how difficult the class was and I also put all my best in the class by studying and using every opportunity that I got to pass the

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