Personal Narrative: My JROTC Program

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There has been an uncanny situation that let my interest into the naval services. Knowing that I am not truly from here it disturbs the fact I am always looked down at, especially since I am a young women. However, my beliefs in this country have inspired me to believe that there’s more than just working all my life, that there’s those who protect and serve it. My interest sparked when I joined my JROTC program at my high school. My JROTC program inspired me to become the person I never thought I would be; a leader. Being able to lead and help others as something that I realized I was good at. Going from the lowest cadet rank to the battalion commander taught me that time, respect and patience brings a better citizen out one self. Adjacent One of my deep personal experiences that developed my rectitude and coherence was when I was the drill commander at my JROTC program. Personal integrity is the quality of being honest and respectful to yourself and one another. As a leader, you are the eyes of the future and the inspiration for others. Every action taken, as to coming late or early is evaluated by the progress of the team moral. Immorality and insubordination is what I had to face. The pressure of having them learn the marching sequence and their inspection questions was a coercion since they never listened. I’ve learned from being a commander was to be honest towards each cadet and being direct towards the expectations we have to acquire as a team and teaching them to fail for them to rise up and become more than meets the The naval academy can help me achieve my dream to become a designer, and aerospace engineer. Drawing is something that I am passionate about and correlating math, and physics into art builds amazement to my heart. Is like love at first sight, the career of your dreams to design a spacecraft that can help the world become more modernized, and knowing that it is being made by a group of people with the same goal. And having a military life as you construct the dream of your life, is the most exciting thing and challenge of a life time. It would be the greatest honor to serve in the U.S navy, and be able to create new leaders along my side to develop integrity and honor in their

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