Personal Narrative: My Interest In Videogames

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With the new advance in technology, we need people that’s going to feather that, and that’s how I come in. My ideal job would to be a computer or videogame programmer because of videogames on my life, my own interest in computers, and the up and coming need for it. Videogames have been with me for my whole life. And with computers I like working with them. Now this how I got into wanting to do programing.
It all started when I was young, I got to play videogames with my dad on my PlayStation two or my GameCube, and that’s how it all started. Videogames have been a major factor in my life and still is. When I have a problem videogames have been there and help me though some hard time such as my grandmas death and when my mom and dad split up, so videogames hold a special place in my heart. Then with the hard time comes the good times and with videogames I have had with friends and family. Also I have kept in touch with some close friends with videogames. Now to go into how I got into computers and why I find them inserting.
My interest in computers started around early high school when I got my laptop and started looking more and more into vividly at them. When I first got my laptop was playing videogames and watching streamers.Then I one day sitting in my bed and I thought to myself I would like to know more so I can fix anything if …show more content…

My idea on a job is something I can jump right into the job market with and start my life faster and to skip the hassle of going into a job the has a small window frame. Also I see myself helping the forefront of the advance in technology and improve it to monumental status and bring a new age in technology. If I archive that when I grow up then I would love a big office at the top of a corporate building playing the little mini golf sets. That is my last reason on why I would like to be a computer or videogame

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