Personal Narrative: My Interest In Medicine

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Call bells ringing, patients screaming, machines beeping, this sounds like a typical day. The patient in room 612 screaming “Nurse!” as I walk to the room, I answered “Hello, Ms. Smith, what can I do for you?” Ms. Smith answered, “Can you move that tray closer to my bed?” thirty minutes passed by and Ms. Smith is on the call bell again, “Nurse! I need to pee!” I walked in and assisted Ms. Smith onto her commode, and whilst doing so, another patient in room 610 called for my assistance, “Nurse! Hurry up! I need my pain medicine!!” As I waited for Ms. Smith on the commode, I yelled across the hall to Mrs Boyle,“ I’ll be there in five minutes!” Lets rewind a bit, you’re probably wondering how I got to this point. ( maybe change this part?)
My interest in healthcare, particularly a career in medicine started when I was twelve years old, because of my eldest sister, whom I admired, developed anorexia. As I watched her exercise day after day, barely touching the …show more content…

Mrs. Boyle in room 610, who screamed for pain medicine, suffers from chronic debilitating migraines since she was sixteen. Mrs. Boyle had contracted Lyme’s disease as a teenager and currently face the myriad of systemic complications including migraines. As physicians scurried in and out of her room to assess and form treatment plans, I was left to wonder how Lymes disease contributed to these complications, how did she develop the migraines, and how long was she undiagnosed for??? There were so many questions I had asked myself, however, my training in nursing did not provide me with the depth of knowledge that a medical education offers.After my shift ended, I decided study research journals that informed me about the connection of Lymes disease and migraines. Fascinated by my experience with Mrs. Boyle, I now strive to learn more about my patient’s diagnosis by reading medical literature to expand my

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