Personal Narrative: My High School Career

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Briefly describe a time that your efforts have fallen short, a goal was not accomplished, or an aspiration was not achieved. Before High school started I was more than determined to change in order to do better in my academics, but it didn't go as planned. In the beginning of my high school career, I was not studying, I didn’t do my homework, I unnecessarily skipped classes, and I wouldn't even submit assignments. At the end of my first and second quarter I ended up with very low grades; C’s and D’s, and I almost failed chemistry. The beginning of high school wasn't what I expected it to be. What steps did you take to recover from this defeat? What resources did you use? How and why are you different today? Having realized that I had spent five months of my high school career by getting bad grades, I knew I had to focus. I recollected my efforts and told myself that I would never let anything, come between my studies and me. Firstly, I looked into all my friends and made up my mind to only keep those who positively would impact my academics, this was the hardest decision because I had to let some of my closest friends go, but I knew it had to be done. I soon let go of those who would be of unfruitful influence to me. …show more content…

Furthermore, I observed self-discipline when it came to class work. I never left any assignment unattended, and I began submitted all the assignments given to me in class. In cases where I did not understand the questions, I personally approached my teachers for clarification. Also, unlike before, I would not shy away from asking questions during classes.The library became my favorite hangout place where I would utilize the books for referencing and research purposes, the free Wi-Fi also came in handy as it helped me browse for further solutions from the

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