Personal Narrative: My Growth As A Student In High School

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Have you ever just cringed at a thought about something you’ve done in the past like maybe an embarrassing phase? If your answer is all the time then congratulations that’s pretty much highschool as a senior. Hello, I’m Nathan Diaz and the phenomenon I had just described for you is completely fine to experience and I worry for you if you haven’t. It shows growth as a person and more importantly means that you are constantly changing. I’ve had my fair share of cringe and I stand before you ready to move on with my life. In 2014 when I was running around as a freshman, I was formerly introduced to Shakespearean literature. Sure I had heard a lot about shakespeare but I never actually got around to reading it. And I figured out I hated it! However, …show more content…

It wasn’t like any classroom I’ve been in. There was no one there to guide you or hold your hand through it all. This was all new to me and I really enjoyed the independence that it came with. It was a breath of fresh air compared to middle school were everything was told to you and they wanted you to do things their way. This class had gotten me excited for the real college experience even though I was just a freshman in highschool. In 10th grade, I had decided that I wanted to challenge myself a little more, so I signed up for AP European history. I thought that the class was going to be boring and a lot of work but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was fun but still a lot of work. This class was more than just learning history. In regular history classes they just tell you what happened in the past and what you need to remember. AP Euro was so much different. After the initial learning of the past we have class discussions and analyze the events. It goes much further than this is what …show more content…

It was more than a history museum because it talked about prejudice in all people not just the unfortunate events of the 1940’s. However, it was really interesting to see the stories of many people who are affected. It was interesting to see the Nazis develop their infamous final solution. But the most interesting part of that trip was the live telling of a story of a holocaust survivor. It was surreal actually seeing history rather than just reading about it. The survivor had shown us her tattoo of the number she was imprinted with and gave us her full account of her time in a concentration

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