Strategizing High School Success and Beyond: A Personal Journey

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Choose the audience, purpose, and form for your paper. In your writing, discuss and explain your specific goals for success in high school. Include an explanation of past and present endeavors that have already had an impact on the attainment of these goals, and identify your plan for continuing to work toward your goals this school year.

Long-term Life Goal

In 4 years there are many different things I can do. I could become an entrepreneur. My long-term goal is to be accepted to a 4 year college of my choice. To reach this goal I will have to take several college acceptance tests, research and apply for colleges, then proceed get a part time job to help support me through college.

To even consider applying for college the first thing I need to do is take a test or 2. These 2 tests would be the SAT and ACT. For the ACT the one and only thing I have done so far is take an advanced English and math class. Because the ACT uses these classes for content, I will be better prepared for it. A few things I need to do for the ACT test are taking an advanced science class and to practice and study for tests. Whereas for the SAT I am currently taking taking honors (and above) math and English classes. Currently …show more content…

Odds are the colleges I will learn about will be brought to my attention through MyStudentPath. The thing I have done for this so far is looking at the college information brought to me by MyStudentPath. This will help me get to know several different colleges, and help me make an educated guess. The 2 things I need to do so far to make this happen is to apply for the colleges which will happen in the future. Most likely towards the end of highschool. The other thing I need to do would be reviewing the majors for the colleges I am choosing to go to. This is important to do, because I honestly do not want to go to a college that has the opposite of the classes I would like to

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