Personal Narrative: My First Surgery

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I do not remember the first surgery I had. I was still a red cheeked, blue eyed, tiny infant that had a mind to young to remember the operation. The memories I have from the second one, however, are still fresh in my mind. What seemed to last only minutes, lasted for hours, and I progressed through various feelings, thoughts, and expectations. While waiting for the nurse, in the ocean blue scrubs, to enter the room, I felt many different feelings. I was excited at experiencing something new, like a child that rode a bike for the first time. I also felt slight terror, which hit me with the force of a small hurricane, I knew that something, anything, could go wrong. The anticipation of the moment when the calming drug, injected by the nurse with a pleasant smile, effects my nervous body, calming me down and causing a fog of sleep to cover me. My blood rushed throughout my veins and carried the drug through my nervous body, calmed me down and caused me to lose consciousness. …show more content…

As I am looked at my left arm, while it was being sterilized by the operating room nurse, I tried to move my hand with no result. I came to realize that my mind still believed that my arm is still resting upon my stomach. I shut my eyes and focused on the phantom arm, managing to move it ever so slightly in my mind. It seemed I had experienced something alike to the phantom limb phenomenon that so many amputee victims live with daily. My mind believed it still had control over my completely numb arm,and expected the limb to behave as if it still had

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