Personal Narrative: My First Snow

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I don't believe in magic like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. As a fourteen year old it would be a little weird, but the one thing I believe in that gives the holiday season that perfect little twinkle of magic is snow. Snow is like a blank canvas waiting to be imprinted with footprints and played in for hours and hours. Frolicking in the snow makes me feel like the center of the universe, the queen of the world. For this reason I always make time for playing in the snow. Since snow centers me and let's all my worries slip away, snow days are my favorite.

I remember one year waking up at the crack of dawn and rushing downstairs to see icicles clinging to the roof and feet and feet of snow piled up. I stared in awe for a second then frantically pulled on my hat, mittens and other snow gear. I would practically jump out the door in excitement. I stepped onto my porch and pulled myself into a standing position on top of the railing. Then I dove into the fluffy, untouched snow. Flipping onto my back, I started to create the first snow angel, with many more to come. I struggled onto my feet to examine my work but in my dismay it was ruined by my getting up. “Darn” I thought “I can do better”. So I flopped onto the ground and tried again yet again my snow angel was spoiled by a couple boots marks here and there.

Again and again I tried to create a …show more content…

Trying to get this picture perfect snow angel had just left me frustrated with a very cold face. I decided to look for the good things in my snow angel not the bad because the idea of perfection had made my favorite activity miserable. Again I stepped onto our railing this time to admire my handiwork. Our yard was scattered with snow angels and most were beautiful. They added the perfect touch to our winter wonderland. Yes there were footprints everywhere, but they were my signature. Artists sign their work with their name, I sign my snow angels with my boot

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