Personal Narrative: My First Day Of Middle School

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Shy, untalkative, and desperate for friends. The years before 6th grade were complete wrecks. With limited and bad friends, they weren’t good years. Even though I was doing alright in academics, things weren’t going the best. Once the 5th grade year was over, it was time to renew myself. Hoping that things would get better, I left 5th grade anxious to see what middle school held for me. As always, I started my first day of middle school late. The entire year I was late. I had a total of 2 good friends starting the year. I nervously walked into homeroom and things got immediately better. I became friends with a girl in my class, who still is one of my best friends. However, 6th grade was not the best year for my personality. I was a little rude, needy, loud. I also had horrendous style. But by the end of the year my academics were good and I had a group of best friends, that was what mattered to me. I was terrified of 7th grade though. My bestest friend was moving and I had no idea if I would survive. Would I flop in academics? Would things be different without her? I wasn’t sure. …show more content…

Just try to get through the year. That was my first thought entering the school. I was directed towards the gym, that’s where they put the 7th graders, and I sat with my friends. Things seemed alright. I made new friends, and things seemed alright without my best friend. I gradually learned to talk at the right time and being less rude to others. However, learning to be more quiet led me to being silent for most of the time. I returned to my shy state, which made me boring and almost too focused. My academics were doing great though, I was ahead in most of my classes. Now that I look at it, I left 7th grade more uptight than I wanted. Things got a lot better for me in 8th grade

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