Personal Narrative: My First Day Of Middle School

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Everybody expects life to be “easy” once they are “adults” when, in reality, their lives have just begun. Life is full of surprises, and expectations are based on your perception of these so-called “surprises.” For example, if you were told all your life that other areas aren’t as good as the one that you’ve been living in, growing up in even, then you won’t want to leave the place that you have so many memories from. This happened to me the spring break of 8th grade. I had to move from Jenks to BA, which I absolutely hated at the time, but I soon realized that the move was one of the biggest blessings of my life. Sure, it was stressful at the time but now, looking back on it I realize that I can barely even remember what my old house looks …show more content…

Life is full of gifts, you may not consider them good sometimes, but they’re gifts, and you are destined to get a good one every once in a while. When I got to BA I expected that I would hate everybody here and I wouldn’t make any new friends. All because while I was at Jenks I had heard so many bad things about BA that I didn’t even know what to believe. On my first day of middle school here, I walked into my second hour and just felt plain uncomfortable. I thought that everybody was staring at me and I didn’t realize that I had completely isolated myself from the rest of the class. While we were all supposed to be reading I just sat by myself in the corner because I had no clue who anybody was. After the short period of reading, Mrs. Barker introduced me to the rest of the class, and I was in shock when they all began to introduce themselves and welcomed me into that class so quickly. I made quite a few friends in that one class and that was when I realized that BA may not be so bad after all. After that class I walked down the hallway to Mrs. Cole’s room, where she had just started …show more content…

Drew and I carried our team to the championship in dodgeball and lost it, but still had a great time. And Tanner continued stalling class as much as possible, making me laugh in the process. The only thing I was really nervous about was football, which I hadn’t played at Jenks. I had watched it all my life, and knew all of the rules, but I expected that I would suck at it and shouldn’t even bother trying to get into it. The only reasons that I proceeded with it is because I wanted to try something new that I could be good at, and because Tanner was going to be playing with me. I talked with Tanner on the bus ride from Childers to North Intermediate, and found out that he and I were going out for the same position, so we would be warming up and practicing together. Which gave me a little bit of inspiration, because I realized that I would be competing against one of my friends, but it also made me a little uneasy. I knew that football was a dangerous sport, but I went out for Wide Receiver, and they don’t get hit half as much as other players do. So I expected that I would stay pretty healthy and wouldn't get hit that much, but I was wrong on so many levels. Our coach had us doing all sorts of hitting drills and running all kinds of different routes, which I was generally pretty good at. My only problem was the part of practice where everybody had to do a bunch of hitting drills

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