Personal Narrative: My First Child

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One of the most memorable days of my life is when my first child was born. All of my children were memorable but when I had the first child, I was still a child myself. I had helped with the raising of many other children in my very big family and helped tend the sick on all occasions. I knew very well how to care for babies and I had plenty of love to give her, but I worried that she would think I was not good enough to be her parent. I was 16 a junior in high school. I had nothing to offer her except love, and love is not enough to raise a family. Love will not feed you, clothe you and pay your bills. I was scared and shaking. When I got to the hospital, from the hallway I could smell the sterile rooms, the bleach, and the metals of instruments and hear the monitors beeping. …show more content…

Then I was put into a room and they hooked up two monitors to my tummy, one to hear the baby’s heartbeat and one to watch my contractions. They had put me in this weird gown had buttons up the back and ugly dots on all over it. They came in and put in the IV and when they drew blood, as they took the needle out of the IV part, it squirted! I squeaked and the nurse reassured me it was fine, it was because they used the IV tube because I was afraid of needles. I had a TV, a dresser, and a rolling 3 drawer table to use in the room along with a table and 2 chairs. When I was in labor and she was making her way all I could do was pray that I would always be able to provide for her. I wanted her to come out so I could hold her but I knew it would be a while as she was my first and I was also kind of glad for that because what if I couldn't do it? When my mom came in and grabbed my hand, she was telling jokes and letting me know that I had nothing to worry about, all my fears were

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