Personal Narrative: My First Bone Marrow Internship

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I transferred to the University of Southern California, August of 2016. I was super excited for this opportunity to achieve my Business goals at such a great school. During April of 2015, my mother, was diagnosed with Stage 2 Lymphoma. In January of 2016, I decided to finish the few credits that I had at Santa Monica Community College. This was due to getting an internship at Warner Bros. Records, in their digital marketing department. Moving from the Bay Area to Los Angeles, was a very hard move, as you can imagine. Not only was I dealing with my mothers cancer, but in January, was when she had her first bone marrow transplant. From February to April 2016, she got a bit better, but in May she was diagnosed again and told that she need another …show more content…

I started USC with this stress of knowing that my mother was going to have another bone marrow transplant in the September. I emailed all my professors, introducing myself and letting them know my current situations. Most of them seemed supportive, so that took some stress away. On my first day of class I also introduced myself to my professors. When September came, I told them that I might have to miss one or two classes to to a bone marrow transplant. All, but one, were not supportive. One specifically, told me that I had to be in class, because class is much more important. I ended up still going to my moms transplant, because that is a life threatening procedure. Two of my teacher ended up becoming very hard on me. I am glad I am not the only one who saw it, as a few of my peers did. Two of the professors were Seda Durguner for Econ and Adel Javanard for Statistics. Not saying that they had to make this class easy or work around my schedule, but whenever I would talk to them, it is like it was a big deal or they wouldn't believe in the efforts that I had. Being in these two classes, especially Durguner’s burnt me out more that I have ever been. The amount of stress …show more content…

I was excited to start fresh and being able to recover from last fall. At this time my mother was cancer free, but had check ups and few treatments to do. Come late February, she was diagnosed yet again. At this time I was much more scared for her. My mom was a tiny lady and has been dealing with this for 2 years. Fast forward to spring break, where I went back home to be with my inspiration and fighter my mom. I was home for 3 days and came back to Los Angeles with my mom and my dad for 2 days, until they left. A few days later, I get a call from my dad saying that my mom was very sick. My mom was taken to the emergency room, as her bone marrow transplant was attacking her immune system (Host vs Graph). She was very weak, not due to that, but the chemo was giving her bad side effects. She had ulcers in her mouth, which causes and pneumonia and infection, which caused her not to eat. My mom was taken to emergency which led to the cardiac floor, which that Sunday led to the ICU. In the meantime, I was driving to the bay area, only knowing that a huge part of me was in the hospital. By the time I got to the hospital my mom was in the ICU. My mom was perfect a few days ago, so this was very hard to see. I am not going into too many details, it is really hard to talk/type about it. My mom, my life, my best friend, passed away April 10th. Due to this, I did

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