Personal Narrative: My Experience In California

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August 13, 2013 my family and I were off for California. We flew into San Diego and rented a car to drive to Los Angeles. It was about a 3 hour drive but it was so fun. Driving down highway 5 and looking at the coast was beautiful. On the left side of the car there was the gorgeous Pacific Ocean with sandy beaches and white caps rolling in. On the right side of the car there was brown mountains with enormous power lines stretching for miles on end. We were all pretty hungry and didn't want to wait four hours to eat, so we stopped and got some lunch in La Jolla. We stopped at this little sandwich place by the beach. I didn't like my sandwich at all. They put miracle whip on my sandwich and I hate miracle whip but I thought it was mayo so I took a bite and instantly got angry. So first experience in California, bad. But putting that aside I knew there was going to be lots of fun to come. After the long drive we then had arrived at our hotel in Hollywood. The hotel was so nice, it smelt like lavender and had beautiful decor inside that matched the theme of Hollywood. We checked into our room and looked around the nice travel shampoo, the soft towels, and the bed situation. I always won that fight. My brother had to sleep on the couch and I got the bed. Looking back at it now the couch didn't look that bad and I probably should've been more caring towards my brother, but oh well it's over now. After we settled into the room, we went out for some dinner. The place …show more content…

The deli overlooked Laguna Beach and it was so pretty, it smelt like salt water. Then we hit the road again but we decided to stop at Huntington beach, one of the biggest in California. It was so long you couldn't even see the end, there were so many people everywhere. After we went swimming, I had to press two pennies before we left. One for me and one for my aunt who collects them just like

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