Personal Narrative: My Experience At Spelman University

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When I first visited Spelman College my junior year of highschool, I gawked at the beauty that was Spelman’s campus. From the blooming flowers to the new Science Center, I was in love. However, once I entered the pearly gates of the illustrious Spelman College with my white dress and perfected Spelman hand, I became critical of my learning environment. There is no such things as a perfect school and as a student, I love Spelman College too much to not critique it. The Spelman College Student Government Association ensures that the voices of students are heard throughout all facets of the college-from finance to academics-and I am applying to be an intern for the Secretary of Academic Affairs in order to gain an understanding of what it means to be a SGA Officer, but to also gain an understanding of the day-to-day obligations of the Secretary of Academic Affairs. …show more content…

As Co-Social Chair, I collaborated with other members of Spelman College’s First Year Class Council in order to organize and execute campus-wide events like the “Mr. Freshman” pageant. Over time I have realized that Class Council and SGA are distinct in that Class Council focuses on bettering the college experience of one specific class, while SGA focuses on bettering the institution as a whole. With that being said, being a SGA Officer requires more of a time commitment than being on a Class Council and by being an SGA Intern, I will be able to gain a better understanding of my own leadership ability that I may one day use as a member of Spelman College’s Student Government

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