Personal Narrative: My Dog Sammy

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My Dog Sammy It was like any other summer day for my ten-year-old self. With my pajamas on at three in the afternoon, watching DBZ re-runs on the couch with scissors by my side so I could cut off the tops of the Fla-Vor-Ice popsicles that I was munching on. The sun was beaming through the two window panes facing my TV, causing unbearable glare. Multitasking between listening to the DBZ episode, I ran into my kitchen, grabbed a roll of duct tape, a stool, and some blankets. I jumped on top of the stool, pinned the blanket to the top of the window sill, and started taping the blankets to the wall to prevent the glare. Finally, I could watch my show in peace, with no interruptions, no glare. …show more content…

Around 10 seconds later I heard the door open, and a gasp. I paid no attention to it and continued on with more important things, like finishing the show I’ve been binge watching for the past 5 hours. Then I began to hear a faint cry, and the door going into the garage slam shut. This time, I couldn’t resist going to check where the soft weeping sound was coming from. I got off my couch and walked into the mudroom to see my mom sitting on the bench with a metal shovel in her left hand and a small object wrapped in a blanket on the other. Confused, I asked what's wrong. There was no reply. I walked over to her and at that moment finally realized what was wrapped in that pink fuzzy blanket. Still hoping that it wasn’t true I unwrapped it. Lying there in my mom’s hands, breathless, was my dog, Sammy. As soon as I saw her, I was in disbelief. The first feeling wasn’t sadness or empathy, but anger. I had to restrain myself with all my power from putting my first straight through the wall. I noticed that I wasn’t even crying; instead, I started to choke up, like my esophagus was closing in on itself. I could barely breathe, and then it finally hit me, I broke down in tears. Without any knowledge of how it happened, I immediately started to blame myself for the death of my dog. I thought to myself if I could have just got off the couch and instead brought her on a …show more content…

I ran into my room in a frenzy, knocking down anything that came across my path. I felt like the walls were closing in on me and I just wanted to curl up into a ball and die. I kept thinking it was a cruel dream and that if I pinch myself hard enough I would wake up in a heavy sweat, but that was not the case. The thing that affected me the most about it was that it was so unexpected. When you put your dog down because of old age or sickness, you at least know in advance that it is going to happen, and you can prepare for it. However, when I found out about Sammy, it hit me like a Mac Truck because of how abruptly it happened. After a short while, I worked up the courage to go downstairs and accept the reality that came before me. I called both my sisters to tell them the terrible news. The phone call between us could have been mistaken for a foreign language due to all of the crying that we shared. They told me they were coming home as soon as possible with my dad, and would buy a small gravestone for her. I began to call my mom’s name to tell her, but there was no response. I frantically tried to find her, and I decided to check the backyard. As I glanced through the window I saw my mom tirelessly burying a hole. I opened the door, letting my other dog Beau out in the process. I rushed over to my mom and tried to make her stop digging, knowing that as soon as she was placed in that endless hole of dirt, that she was gone forever.

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