Personal Narrative: My American Dream

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My goal on being retired at the age of fifty living in an elegant multi story, multi wing house with four beautiful children, my gorgeous wife, and a few family pets. This is my American dream, this the goal I set for myself and wish to accomplish. Through the steps I am currently and will soon take I’ll be on my way achieving that goal. Every U.S citizen is entitled to have an American dream, it may be the lavish life or just forty acres and mule. definition of American dream is “the ideals of freedom, equality, and the opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American.” My definition is similar in that all Americans have the opportunity to better themselves and their life if they’re willing to put in the work. …show more content…

The founding of America was based on the idea expressed in the definition. The expression forty acres and a mule explains both definitions well. Dictionaries definition by stating that everyone would be given the land and an animal to farm the land. It explains mine by the since that everyone would have opportunity by receiving the land and animal but those who work to expand the land, acquire more animals, and do better than those around him. Depending solely on the person and how they chose to pursue life. This concept can also be applied without the idea of equal privilege to all American people. Even if one was giving only half the land of another person with an American dream they can eventually grow and expand way past the person that was giving the more

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