Personal Narrative: Josh's Cabin

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On a cold winter’s night, a group of friends were heading to their friend Josh’s cabin in the middle of the woods on a mountain side. It was about a two hour drive from their home town of Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. They all arrived around eight o’clock, but Josh had already been there for a couple of hours preparing the cabin for guests. Josh had prepared a full course meal for all of his friends prior to their arrival. When his friends walked through the doors, they were surprised to see that Josh had made a special delicacy for all of them. It was around ten o’clock when they had finished eating, and Marcus suggested they tell stories by the fire. It seemed they had eaten an entire cow, but Josh agreed with Marcus that everyone should gather around the fire. Julia went first and talked about her visit with her Uncle over the summer. Emily told a scary story about how a girl was brutally killed by a murderer. Simon asked, “ Is is okay if I go next?” Everyone nodded in agreement. In the middle of Simon’s story about his vacation in California, the power went out in the cabin. “Do not …show more content…

Marcus said, “I do not know, but it does not look good.” Josh walked out the basement door and noticed a tiny light coming from the breaker. When he walked closer, he noticed a few wire had been what looked like intentionally cut. Josh examined it like a detective in a crime scene. Josh looked into the forest for a sign of an animal or human, but saw nothing. When he turned around he saw something carved into the side of the house. It read: Get Out in big letters. Josh ran upstair and said, “ It seems someone has purposely cut the wires and left a message saying to leave.” Emily was scared and wanted to leave immediately, but Marcus told her not to worry and that it was probably some teenage kids messing around. He said it is, as the kids would call it, a practical joke. Josh suggested that they all go to bed and worry about it in the

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