Personal Narrative: I Am Not Perfect

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Smart - I know I sometimes act a little dumb, but I'm actually pretty smart. In math tests for example, we'll be given two hours, I'll finish it in 10 minutes while everyone else takes AT LEAST an hour. It's because I'm smarter than the average 15 year old. Original and Not Perfect - I'm not fake, and I'm proud of it. I'm not calling anyone fake, but some people CAN be fake. I'm just myself. I also know I'm not perfect. Nobody is perfect. You can't please everybody, but you CAN try your best. As I'm myself, I'm sorry if you dislike me for who I am, but I'm who I am. Sorry if this sounds rude, but most people do act fake when applying for a staff position on a Minecraft server. Independent - I don't rely on others to get things done for me that I should be doing myself. I'll either do it myself, or not get it done at all, preferable doing it myself. I don't rely on others for help and that, but if it's offered then I appreciate it. I don't have many people to rely on, so this is one of the reasons I don't rely on others much. If I trust you, then I rely on you. I don't trust many people but it won't get in the way of anything. …show more content…

I am honest about my activity and I'm a really active person. I might be inactive compared to some of you, but I'm as active as I possibly can be active for. If I need to go inactive for whatever reason for however much time, I will let people know. I won't bottle it in, giving myself stress, have too much stress and eventually resign or get demoted. It's better to not bottle things in, no matter how big or small, it all adds

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