Personal Narrative: How Walmart Changed My Life

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Starting Over With 500 Dollars The sun scorched the skin, and dried the throat. Even in the car the sun still kills. I couldn’t speak much, as I was concentrating on the task at hand. My partner gave me 500 dollars. I had to spend it on getting the operation running. It needed a mobile site, ingredients, and equipment. This is how I can turn my life around. For me and Hank this meant new lives. I can remember his words in my head from earlier today. “Only get the necessities, you hear me? I don’t want to blow that money on junk,” he echoed in my head. I liked that Hank was teaching me things; it was nice to have a mentor in the business. Besides, being by yourself in this world wasn’t smart. I drove up to the blue building of Walmart. If you needed anything you could find it at Walmart, except for guns. I might need a gun later. Gravel crunched under the soles of my Jordans as I approached the super store packed with what was probably hundreds of people, all from different backgrounds and origins. Okay, here we go. This would be the first of five different Walmart stores I plan on going to. Buying all of the ingredients at one store meant suicide, and bordered on a level …show more content…

Kids these days, they will never know a real reason to cry. With the salty taste of Funyons in my mouth I sped off to three other Walmart stores and collected all of the other ingredients. My second phone vibrated in my pocket; it was Hank. “What’s taking so long,” he cried “we should have started by now!” I replied that “Well you know bro, this stuff it ain’t easy to find. Oh ya, also I am being cautious like you said!” That calmed him down. We fought a lot but in the end our partnership worked. “Okay, just get here by the end of today,” he grumbled. Hank hung the phone up. I came across the last Walmart store, one more stop after

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