Personal Narrative: How My Dad Changed My Life

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Before my dad had a stroke, I felt as if nothing bad can happen in this world and was very naive to the way the world truly is. After he had a stroke I quickly realized that the world isn’t always black and white and that things comes up out of no where that will change your life in some way. The thought of losing my dad quickly changed me and made me realize how much responsibility I am soon going to have and how I am going to have to step up for my family. I believe this event and the events that followed after have started my transition into adult hood. In early November around 2 years ago I was having a normal sleepover with my friend Mataya. We were always messing around and never took things too seriously. Her mom came home from work and looked very upset but I couldn’t tell what was wrong. She was very quiet and went straight into her room which was extremely odd for her. At 9:32 that night I got a call from my mom and I could tell from her voice that she was crying. She told me that my dad had a stroke and that he had 45 minutes to live and if the medicine that they gave him worked he may be able to make it through this. At that moment my heart instantly broke. The person that has …show more content…

It was so heartbreaking to witness that. One thing I remember vividly is them asking him what my name was and him not knowing how to say it. It was really hard on family seeing a 45 year old man now act like a toddler. We found out that he would have to stay at the hospital for 2 weeks at Mayo Clinic and then would be transferred back to the hospital in Sioux Falls. For those 2 weeks while they were in Minnesota I basically acted as my sisters mom. I had to make sure her homework was done, was at school on time, ate food, and showered before school. I had to step up because I had no other choices. This made me realize how hard it would be to become adult but I was ready to take on the

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