Personal Narrative: Home

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It is a rainy night, it was just turning fall here in Asheville, North Carolina. I was stuck working late like I normally am, I work at a local grocery store called “ Asheville Super Market.” I have been working here since I was almost 15, my parents are friends with the owner so I got a job pretty young here. I have finally got off work, and made my way home to our little house on the corner of the street facing the opposite side of the road. My parents were up still, they usually are when I get off late, just to make sure I make it home safely. This time something was different though, they both sat there in their two recliners, asking me to have a seat. I sat down on the couch across from them. “ Abigail, we have something to tell you” I sat there and stared blankly at them, I had no idea what they were about to tell me. “ Honey, we are moving. We have saved up enough money, and with dad's business we are able to move, and this will be a better opportunity for our careers, and this household. We’ve already discussed this with your sister. It is a place where you will have to be home schooled instead of being put in a public, or private school.” WHAT?! So many many things just ran through my head at once. I had no …show more content…

I went to my car, and opened the door. As I started to get in my car I suddenly saw the box again. “ What in the world” I thought to myself. I left this on my bed before I went to work. How did this get into my car? I picked up the box and shook it to guess what was inside. It didn’t rattle, but yet it slide like it was trying to put itself together. I slide the ribbon off the box, slipping the top off the box. Inside was a sheet of tissue paper covering the item inside the mysterious box. Under the sparkly polka dot tissue paper was a map. It didn’t look like anything special, but it wasn’t a normal map either. Oh well, I threw the map and box in my passenger seat, forgetting about it on my way

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