Personal Narrative: Growing Up With A Father

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From a young age I was scared of the authorities’, in my mind, the flashing red and blue lights were always coming to take my dad from away from me. Growing up, my dad was my best friend. He is to this day one of the most admirable and hardworking people I know, and I have the privilege of calling him my dad. Ever since my sister and I were old enough to comprehend my dad’s immigration status, I realized how much my dad has to struggle daily just to be in this country. Having grown up with a dad who could literally be taken away from me at any second has made me appreciate him, and everyone in my life. I never take anyone for granted, and it has shaped me to be who I am today.
Recently, my family and I are petrified more than ever that we will receive a phone call that my father has been detained by ICE and is awaiting deportation. I pray to God I will never have to endure what other families have, due to ICE. Having to hear the same thing over and over again from every lawyer just drains my hope of my father being legalized. As of now, my father has managed to maintain a stable job and is the one who earns the most between my parents. He works an excessive amount of hours in hopes to make enough money to stabilize my family in case he gets deported. It is like living with a ticking time bomb, just waiting for the …show more content…

Things like having a license, being able to board a plane, having a social security card, are things I never take for granted. Having a father who can not partake in these sort of things teaches me to value little things in life. Every summer whenever we go on vacation, I always wish my dad could come along as well. I see little girls alongside their dad on vacation and it saddens me that I will never have a chance to experience what that is like. I am however, grateful for whenever I do have a chance to be with him and do those little

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