Personal Narrative: Giving Birth To A Child

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You give birth to a child you count each finger each toe. You fall in love. All you see is the good thing in life. You see on the news about kids dying from getting hit by cars, being left in hot cars. You go on life thinking oh that can’t happen to me. I never in a hundred years thought it could be my child. But unfortunately, death, can sweep you away in an instant. We decided to move to a different town for work. My cousin said we could stay with her till we got on our feet. After a couple weeks, my husband got a job interview. Everything was looking good. On august 14th 2006 I woke up sick to my stomach as I laid in bed my husband was watching TV our 14-month-old son playing on the floor he was picking stuff up and bringing it to me. He brought me a camera I quickly snapped a picture not knowing it would be the last one I would ever take. After a few hours, we got up and had breakfast. After breakfast, I made James a bottle and laid him down for his morning nap. Still not filling better I decided to lay back down also. Around 3:30 we got dressed to go to the store to …show more content…

It felt like forever till the ambulance came. The police officer took us in the other room while they worked on my baby. They were asking us what happened. My husband said he thought the baby was with me. I told them I thought my husband had taken him to the room. I was still in shock telling myself this is just a dream and I will wake up soon. My cousin’s roommate had propped the screen door opened with the grill. He was in the bathroom in less than four minutes are son had gotten out of the computer room. Thru the kitchen to the opened front door and past my cousin who was outside working on his jeep. My cousin took us to the hospital. The whole ride I was praying that he would be ok. It felt like forever until the doctor came out to talk to us. He explained that they did all they could, but our son had not made it. He died on august 14th 2006 at 5:20

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