Personal Narrative-Furnishing High School

1942 Words4 Pages

Maddie Boone Student ID #22142380 Exam

I never imagined myself finishing high school through an online course. I always imagined walking across the stage of the school auditorium. Daydreams of wearing the traditional cap, gown, and tassel, and being handed my diploma by my high school supervising principal, Mr. Bryant, was how I had planned to say "goodbye" to South Jones High School. Yet, the harder I clung to those visions and hopes, the more impossible they became. The name calling, glares, whispers, and rumors were more than I could bear. Just when I was about to give up on graduating, my mother had a wonderful idea- homeschool. As far back as elementary school I had heard about the mean girls. I'd seen plenty of movies in which the clique of perfect, beautiful girls ruled the halls of high school year after year. I am sad to say that even in my small, country town, mean girls ruled South Jones High too. From here on, I will refer to them individually as "THE Queen B", "Wannabe Queen B", "Honey B", "and "How-Could-You B". Collectively, I will call them "The B's". These horribly conceited beasts arrived at school every morning looking flawless, smelling delicious, and commanding the …show more content…

Then I saw a girl vomiting in the kitcen sink. I knew that girl! Her name is Kaylee. She tutored me in math freshman year when I was in danger of failing, She didn't fit in with the girls I spent my free time with so I never spoke to her outside of school. Soon after we finished our tutoring, she transferred or dropped out- I didn't know which- and I never gave another thought to her whereabouts. What was she doing here? She must be so humiliated! I ran over to hold her hair back. I grabbed a clean washcloth from the kitchen drawer and tried to help her clean her face. She didn't want my help at first, but as a new wave of nausea literally turned her face green, she accepted my

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