Personal Narrative Fiction

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Chapter Three

“Damn did that place gave me the willies,” said Page.

“I know what he meant, Dad. When he talked about the uncontrollable crying. That made me think.”

“I've never seen you cry,” he retorted as he jumped in the front seat and pulled the door shut. Thinking what his son said was nonsense.

Luke climbed in and sat there for a minute. His eyes sashayed about. Just like Pork's did when his face seemed to mummify–when his mind took a sudden U-turn on him. “When I was in that tent last night, I don't know what came over me.” He looked over at his father. “I could not stop bawling, crying incessantly. I did it for a couple hours. Like I did when we lost mum. I felt like that little girl was crying out for me to help her. I could almost hear her voice. I felt …show more content…

Not minding his manners but being wary of the two park rangers that just walked in. “You need to speak with Kilbowca. He moved here to Wyoming ten years ago. From Collinwood, Ohio. The Yellowstone fathers got rid of him about two years ago. Eugene is a former army Ranger. My son Karl is still one. They became best friends in the service. But Eugene got shot the first week he was in Afghanistan, and was sent home. He got an honorable discharge and left with a Silver Star and two bronze stars for bravery in battle and a Purple Heart. He got shot in his femur. He was done for as far as the Special Forces were concerned. When he came home he healed well and was able to become a park ranger at Yellowstone.”

“He sounds like one hell of a guy.”

“He is, Luke, believe me. And listen to this: when two hikers turned up missing one time, Eugene felt that the park gave up their search too soon. When they said they covered every inch of ground on foot and in the air for ten square miles and found nothing–Eugene enjoyed committing the cardinal sin. He challenged the park system and objected.”

“How did he do

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