Personal Narrative Essay On Mars

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3-2-1 liftoff. Up, up, up, I went as I flipped and pushed and poked the green and red buttons on the enormous control panel in the CZC-22-Shuttle, named after me Courtney Schillings. After my story got leaked to national news five years ago about how I went back in time and through the different layers of the atmosphere, NASA thought I would be the best choice to take an expedition to Mars. So, here I am now in my lavender space suit, sitting in my shuttle feeling apprehensive, ecstatic, and so many other indescribable feelings waiting to reach Mars. About 225 KM, later the CZC-22-Shuttle and I landed on the red planet with a gentle thud. I got up out of my shuttle chair and walked over to the door. I looked through the little square window …show more content…

I scrambled to get ready and ate my Lucky Charms trying just to get the marshmallows in my mouth. I did my usual checklist before going outside then when I was ready I hopped out and began jumping. I made sure to turn on the mapping device on my boots just in case I got lost then I resumed my jumping. I looked down at my watch and groaned I had been jumping for 20 minutes straight and still hadn't discovered anything worth stopping for everything was just the same rusty colored red. That got me thinking though. "Has there ever been water on Mars?" I thought to myself. I felt around in my spacesuit and when my hand came across a small rectangular object I pulled it out. It was my Balloon Phone. I knew I packed it somewhere I turned it on and the screen flickered until it completely showed light. I went to Baloogle, the balloon phone's company fancy search engine, and typed in the question: Why is there no water on Mars? In a split second, many answers filled the screen but the one that struck my interest said there is little to no water on Mars because the atmosphere is too cold. When the temperature on Mars reaches -103°F and the relative humidity reaches 100%, precipitation occurs in the form of frost on Mars. Since the Balloon Phone only works in space and I was the only one who had access to it, I made a mental note to tell the scientist all about my facts about water and Mars. I began …show more content…

Beep! Beep! I turned over so I was facing the table my alarm clock was perched on. 6:00 a.m. read the alarm clock. I moaned I didn't want to get out of bed but I knew I had to though because today I would be starting my long journey back to Earth. When I got out of bed, I had a voracious appetite so I decided I would skip my morning routine until after I ate breakfast. Breakfast was the same as yesterday my favorite cereal, Lucky Charms. After about 50 minutes, I finished the struggle of eating, brushing my teeth, putting up my hair, and the hardest of all changing into new sets of clothes and spacesuit. When I wasn't able to sleep last night, I went through my whole checklist making sure the shuttle would be able to withstand my ride from Mars back to Earth. I wanted to take in one last glimpse of Mars before I left so I opened the door and jumped out one last time. My sadness was very palpable as the dust clouds formed around my now rusty colored boots. I stayed out on the surface but knew I had to return to Earth. I gathered up all my emotions and went back to my shuttle opening the door when I reached it and jumped in knowing that this would be the last time I ever set foot on Mars. I tapped and pushed the same red and green buttons as before flipped 10 switches and prepared to take

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