Personal Narrative Essay: Noah And The Water

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Mornings, after several days of rain, my entire world smells so fresh and clean and all the leaves are a vibrant green.
As I walked this morning under cloudy overcast skies, I glanced up and much to my surprise there was a beautiful rainbow in all is magnificent glory stretching across the horizon. No, not one but two! Now that is something to see.
It took me back many years to when I was a small child and Mom would be reading the story about Noah and the flood. She would tell us how after the water receded and everyone left the ark that God sent a sign that he would never again flood the world. That sign was a glorious rainbow.
We learn many things as we grow older and one is that a rainbow is the refraction of light off of water crystals, but still it is God given. This also reminded me of a few years ago when I traveled to the state of Kentucky and at the falls on the Columbia River in the middle of the night with a full moon , off the top of the falls appeared a Moon bow. Stunning to see at night time. …show more content…

It only takes a fraction of a second to catch things you may never see again. As again this morning, what I thought was a small rabbit hoping across the road about 20 feet in front of me. To my surprise, it jumped on a tree and ran up it. It was a baby squirrel without a tail. Have never seen that before. But again just a matter of a few seconds and its gone.
Nature is such a wonderful thing and yet most of us ignore it day after

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