Personal Narrative Essay: My Best Friend In High School

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My parents always taught me to follow rules and to mind teachers at all times. I usually did what I was told; I came home with good grades and good conduct. In high school, I never got into trouble. There was this one time in elementary school where the school had to call my parents. I had been sent to the office. This was the first and last time that I was sent to the office. Of all the bad things I could have done, I was sent to the office because I wrote on a bathroom wall. The story begins with me in the first grade. I was attending school at Hollis Hand Elementary. I had a friend named Jackie in kindergarten, but she was not in the same class as me in first grade. I came to the conclusion that I had to make a new friend. After a while, I made a new friend, and her name was Rachel. She became my best friend, and we would always play on the playground together and have sleepovers. At that age, you do not really think about a friend lying or deceiving you. I trusted Rachel, and I never really thought twice about what she told me. Rachel had a crush on this boy in our class; his name was John. Everyone knew that Rachel and John liked each other. I teased her about him like everyone else did. I did not see teasing her as a big deal, but I guess she did. At Hollis Hand, the bathroom doors were …show more content…

If you did not know, it is really embarrassing walking back into a classroom after you just got into trouble. After walking in, I took my seat. As soon as I sat down, I looked to my right and saw Rachel. She sat two seats down from me. I look at her and she looks back; I give her a dirty look and look away. Class proceeded as usual until the end of school. My grandmother would pick me up from school instead of my parents. I was so happy to see her instead of one of them because she did not know. I knew my dad would have gotten in touch with my mom by then, and she would

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