Personal Narrative Essay: God In The Water

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Personally, I find the ocean pretty scary. It's so massive and unexplored that there could be so many things out there that we don't even know about. And don't even get me started on swimming at night. Being in the water, and having no idea what could be hundreds of feet below you is terrifying. I once heard a quote that went something along the lines of, “When you're swimming at night, you are practically blind and crippled compared to everything else in the water.” This quote raises an interesting question. What else is there in the water? Obviously fish, but there are also legends of colossal sea monsters that are somewhere out in the sea. One of these monsters is the Ogopogo.

An Ogopogo is described as a sea serpent that is 40 to 60 feet …show more content…

While Brimblecombe was near Lake Okanagan, he sang a new version of the song based around the mysterious creature that people have claimed to see in the lake. The new version went like this.

“I'm looking for the Ogopogo.
The bunny-hugging Ogopogo.
His mother was a mutton, his father was a whale.
I'm going to put a little bit of salt on his tail.
I'm looking for the Ogopogo.”

The reason the new version of the song said his mother was a mutton, is because a lot of people who have claimed to see the creature, said that it had the head of a sheep. Everyone liked the song, and word spread. Not long after, the Vancouver Daily Province decided that Ogopogo would be the official name of the Okanagan Sea Serpent.

Throughout time, there have been repeated reporting of the Ogopogo. In 1914 a group of Indians found a carcass of what is believed to be a juvenile Ogopogo carcass on Rattlesnake Island. The length of the carcass was between 5 and 6 feet, and it weighed north of 400 pounds. The natives brought the carcass to a naturalist, who concluded that it was a rogue manatee; however, neither the naturalist nor the natives can explain how a manatee made its way to the shores of

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