Personal Narrative Essay About Fishing

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A Fishing Ritual I lay on the hard wooden floor on the small strong boat; the sunrays were scorching my sixty pound body as were steered deep in to the waters. I looked in the sky and prepared mentally for the demanding task that waited in few minutes. I had gone fishing before, but this was the D-day, I was here before several in several occasions. I remember the stinking smell of the intestines the bloody water and the sharp daggers my father and uncle used to cut deep wounds into the fresh fish. I remember seating on the edge of the boat watching their hooks catch the biggest, the ugliest and sometimes the smallest. The day had come and I felt certain at last, I knew I had to impress my dad for he had taught me for three years how to cast a hook and sit patiently for the catch. I stood ready to clear my first test of being a man in the …show more content…

I was ten and confident my strong, strapping body would conquer any hurdle. I pitied the fish that would become the sorrowful object of my first demonstration of my competence. “Chris! Wake up boy,” my father murmured, engaging me deeply was my inexperienced impatience to transverse the gap dividing a young boy from a man. I remember he had to call twice; I was completely absorbed in my little thoughts dreaming of how I would catch the biggest share of the day. My thought s absorbed me throughout the journey to our favorite fishing spot, which only seemed to take a twinkle of an eye yet it took us two hours without stopping. The sudden halt of the engines snapped me into reality; I looked at my father who was grinning in a weird way as if he was reading my mind. I fumbled for my fishing pole and threw the hook into the deep water

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