Personal Narrative Essay About Drowning

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Blub...Blub...Blub…. All of sudden I can’t breathe, I feel faint. Why can’t I move? I look down and there’s a rock tied to my ankle. I

Think to myself if I untie the rope I can be free and swim to the top of the Pacific Ocean. I start reaching down and untie 2 of the knots 1 to go, but before I could get to it I ran out of air for good. Drowning is definitely not on my bucket list of things to do before I die.

think you're sitting in the ocean no one can hear or see you. You can’t escape. You're in the ocean, a slow painful death. You suddenly see a shark, now you're drowning and you're going to get eaten alive. What a great way to end your life in 30 seconds.

Don’t get me wrong I love swimming, it’s one of my favorite things to do in the summer, but when you're as short as me it’s hard to touch the bottom. Drowning is a terrible thing it takes your life so easy. When I was 3 my mom and I went to our neighborhood pool to stick our feet in. It was a hot sunny day so of course, I wanted to get all the way in, but since I was so little she wouldn’t let me. She got up to go get my towel. When she …show more content…

I was so excited to go swimming, but once I was in the water I was terrified. I was trying to get air, but I was also crying. My mouth was right open so water got into my lungs making it harder than it was to breathe. That was the last day I could go swimming until I was able to touch the bottom.

According to statistics from Center for Disease Control Center and Prevention, from the year 2005-2017, 3,356 people died from drowning. 10 deaths a day.If I drowned I would've added one number to it.

I am much older now. I am 14, can reach the bottom of the pool, and can swim well. The only time I get scared is when I'm in the ocean and the waves get big for me and they start coming too fast and hit me under the water. Other than that I feel comfortable swimming by myself now. Drowning is not on my bucket list of things to

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