Personal Narrative Essay

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For this short story, I will talk about my recent build of a new dedicated system solely devoted to video games. I have been building computers for both myself and peers for over 10 years now and yet I had the most difficulty with this build as I was also migrating from Microsoft Windows 8.1 Operating System to Windows 10. The first thing I had to do was install Windows 10 to a flash drive. This peripheral device would enable me to install the operating system on to the flash drive and then once all the hardware was installed, I could install windows 10 onto my computer. This was an almost complete overhaul of my previous build. It had been quite some time since I had upgraded anything for this computer. The first thing I bought myself was a CPU with Intel’s hyper-threading technology which would enable me to use much more of my processor power over various programs. …show more content…

I knew I would need multiple gigabytes of memory for all of the games and other tasks I planned on performing with my new computer. This memory is to help different programs run faster and smoother and is not used for saving information. It is not the same type of memory found in hard drives – which act as a form of permanent storage. I ended up finding a deal on 64 GB’s of RAM that I then used all the sticks in my new motherboard. After all of my hardware was installed, I plugged in my flash drive and installed the new operating system on to the CPU. As I had done this multiple times before I didn’t think much of it and left my computer alone to run and install windows. This however was a mistake. After coming back to check up on it, I noticed multiple errors that I would need to debug. First, there was some kind of conflict or other error installing some key windows system software, so I would need to repair the installation in order for it to operate

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