Personal Narrative: Edward Cruz, Jr.

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1. Describe in one paragraph one of the spiritual activities you performed and how it made you feel—both during the activity and after. Since the passing of my stepson, I couldn’t seem to remember the last time I had gotten on my knees to pray. I met Edward Cruz, Jr. when he was only 5 years old, and help my husband raised him – I loved him as if he were my own. At any rate, I used to pray every day but I just didn’t think it was necessary to get on my knees to communicate to my higher power. The night I received the call from Jr.’s mother at 1:50am on March 2, 2015, I woke my husband up to give him the news and I couldn’t help but to fall on my knees when I got up from the bed. The same day we had purchased a ticket for him to stay with us after …show more content…

The only thing I could do was beg for a miracle. I have always heard it’s never good to ask GOD why, but that seem like the only thing that I could ask. At the time I didn’t know who I was really pouring out my heart to, but I said, “Lord, if you’re out there please hear my cries.” I have never felt such unbearable burning pain in my life. I never imagined we would ever go through anything like this. I mean, who plans on ever having to bury their son? When I dropped to my knees I cried in despair for hours begging GOD to help us through this agonizing pain. The feeling I felt during the activity was amazing and indescribable. I felt as if someone was hugging me and holding me. My husband thinks I am delusional, but I felt a sense of assurance that we were going to be ok. Since I had this spiritual experience, every time I want to break

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