Personal Narrative: Aunt Nell's Home

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Every kid in the family loved going to Aunt Nell’s house. Who would not want to spend the summer with a huge inground pool, Corvette in the garage, central air conditioning in a red brick house in one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Cincinnati? Aunt Nell was a sweet, but stern older lady that never missed Sunday church. Her house will go down in our family’s history as being the best places to spend the hot days of summer.
Unfortunately, most of the children in my family suffered abused in one way or another and we all knew that Aunt Nell’s house was safe for all kids. Aunt Nell was my great aunt and her sister is my grandmother Janice. I was raised by my grandmother and she was close to Aunt Nell, so I was luckier than my cousins; getting to visit more often. …show more content…

We knew that soon her front door would fly open and she would emerge waving us in. As soon as I took one step in the door; the smell of Juicy Fruit gum came rushing to greet me.
Aunt Nell stopped everyone right inside the door for a debriefing of how life was going and to take our jackets or coats. Within minutes we followed her through the living room and dining room, then to an area that connected all the rooms. On the Left you had the guest room or her husband’s bedroom and known as the Blue room. The next-door lead to the basement and the doorway next to the basement door was the Kitchen. To the right was the bathroom and the Red room which was Aunt Nells

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