Personal Narrative Analysis

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Making friends was always challenging. I was too honest and ruthless towards others, I never took anyone's feelings into consideration because I was just being honest. Just like everyone else, I wanted to have friends, people to hang out with, and to care about me. I thought, maybe the reason I had no friends was because of my honesty and I didn’t know how to control my feelings. The very few people that I did talk to, got picked on for hanging out with me. I went crying to my mom almost everyday. My mom always taught me not to care what anyone says about me because they're not going to be with me forever. I spent most of my time trying to make friends, and my grades got worse. I went to several different schools to see if making friends would get easier and grades would get better. My grades got worse, making friends got harder and I even got nicknames. It even got to …show more content…

It got to a point where I was contemplating on dropping out. The only reason I stayed In school was my passion for sports. I competed in several sports, soccer, indoor track, and softball. It was during the summer of 2014 while playing softball for a club team. I was talking to a childhood friend about why it’s hard for me to get along with others, She said, “Eve the problem is you is you call it the way you see it and sometimes people can’t handle the truth. You're smart, competitive and honest and you shouldn't let people bring you down, they are jealous because you are a very focused and driven person. Stop trying to make people like you, you’re going to be a Junior In high school, don't say anything to anyone mind your business and be kind. Keep everything to yourself, I’ve known you since we were seven. I know why you are the way you are but they don’t, take my advice and you’ll see how everything will fall into place". So I took her advice and I spent most of my time alone and when I was around people I stayed

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