Personal Narrative Analysis

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My goals were to eat better, and by better, I meant three times a day and sleep more because I was not getting a full night’s rest. I choose these goals because they supported my goal to lose weight. My mom always told me that you should eat regular and have sleep to lose weight. I was afraid to say lose weight because I think it is embarrassing and since I am very aware of my weight. This topic has been heavy on my mind for some time now, I have always had low confident in myself and since my sister has a small curving figure that I am jealous of. In the first month of the assignment, I did not do anything really on purpose with the homework assignment, but I did try the sleeping and eating more because I have been trying to achieve …show more content…

I said in my update that “I have slept about the same but what have improved is that I have not stayed up from stress. I have eaten better because I have started to eat more throughout the day instead of once or maybe twice.” I started eating breakfast more times in the month and it was oatmeal. My mom is the cook in the house, so she provides healthy food for us all the time and she is the one who forced me to eat oatmeal all the time because, to be honest, I hate eating oatmeal it. This month I did volunteering, the one I did was preaching and I do it almost every weekend but it always helps relieve my stress. I did better with managing my stress and was staying up only to finish work I couldn’t during the day, which was the help of a …show more content…

The stages of change are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Precontemplation is when you have a problem, but are not ready to change, and do not see it as a problem also, when others point it out you feel like they are exaggerating. Contemplation is when a person notice they have a problem but are not committed to change, they weigh the pros and the cons of the situation. In preparation, a person makes a commitment to change, they have noticed the seriousness of the problem and are motivated to change. The start planning to make changes in like the next 6 months. In action, this is when a person acts to stop and a new behavior is started, change is viable to others and this step has the greatest commitment. Action spends the most time and energy. Lastly, maintenance this is where you do all you can to maintain your goals, this requires dedication and support from families and friends in maintaining your efforts. In most of my Livewell evaluation, I was in precontemplation which mean I wanted a plan to make changes in the next 6

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