Personal Narrative Analysis

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When you look back on your life, what do you remember most? Personal achievements fade from memory as you age; setbacks and failures aren’t there; arguments argue their existence away; simple daily tasks blend together and take care of themselves. Only one thing remains – moments of fulfilment. Some things make you feel pure joy, but you wouldn’t want to do them again. Fulfillment is different. It’s when you’re so unbelievably happy you could do that same thing over and over again for the rest of your life. Small, little things shared with loved-ones is what comes to mind. Things like getting ice-cream with my parents, counting the red cars; laughing and playing with my brothers, building a fort out of couch cushions; or sneaking downstairs …show more content…

I had a small pointy chin, with a slightly mischievous grin that went from ear to ear. My head, epitomized by my giant forehead, was at least twice the size of my scrawny little body. I looked more like a happy little bobble-head than anything. My parents joke that the doctors said to pick me up by my head and not my body – I know it’s not true, but I can’t help but believe it. I’ve always had a strong understanding of what the rules are and have an easy time following them; however, even back then, I felt this need to break a rule every now and then. I’m a bit of a troublemaker. You’ll never know when a break a rule, though. I’ve had lots of practice avoiding the law (aka my mom) when breaking the rules, and it started back …show more content…

A nervous excitement came over me as I stared at the light amber wood-grain on the only thing that held me back from my holy grail. The complex plastic screw-on lock was no match for my expert skills: I had it open within minutes. Shimmering in the moonlight from the kitchen window was the piles and piles of potato chips, pretzels, cookies, marshmallows, and so much more. The salty-sweet sights were a satisfying sensation to see. I reached my hand into the treasure trove of wonders, in an attempt to retrieve a big bag of Doritos. As is everything in a ninja’s life, this too was booby-trapped. It had a noise alarm that went off every time you touched one of the

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