Personal Narrative: A Marathon

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I wake up, my heart pounding as if I’d just run a marathon. My mind is dizzy with confusion as I try remembering what has happened. Where is my sister and where am I? My whole body feels weighed down and I start to shiver as I try to free myself from this suffocating breach. I struggle to breathe as solid flakes fall over my face. The air around me grows tighter as my breath quickens and I realize where I am, Trapped under piles of snow from the avalanche.
I remember skiing down the mountain with my sister. We went on a back trail that was blocked off. The snow started to come down too fast. My skis could only carry me so far, and with a quick glance back, I saw my sister engulfed into oblivion. A split second later, it hit me, too; the shards of pain from the impact took my breath away. …show more content…

I close my eyes and take a deep, calm breath. I start to twist and turn my way out of the thick blankets of snow that have enveloped me, but as it loosens, more falls down taking its place. I shift my hands in front and start pushing the snow upwards, packing it in tighter and allowing more air space. I do this all around my body, relieving the weight. I start to dig my nails into the cold, hard snow, unsure which way is up. I keep digging until my nail beds are raw and my hands are like ice.
I’ve dug a small hole about a foot deep, yet there’s still no sign of light. I wonder, How far under am

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