Personal Narrative: A Career As A Great Theater

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I had done two shows before, in 3rd and 4th grade, but they were never as good or as professional as GREAT Theatre’s shows. I hadn’t really heard of GREAT Theatre before my friend Brianna asked me to audition for The Hobbit with her in 5th grade. It was exciting to audition for my first big show, and it made me remember how much fun I had had the last two years’ plays. When the cast list was posted, I carefully scanned the list looking for my name, which I didn’t find. I was devastated when I didn't get in so I tried again, and again, and again. I just could not get into a show, and that made me even more determined to get into the next one: Charlotte’s Web. When I auditioned for this show, I tried my best to be the best; I spoke with volume,

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