Personal Narrative

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Swoosh the wind went and flipped Mako’s pages in his Journal that his grandfather gave him. Dear Grandfather it has been 15 year now since you were gone. I have a wife now. Also I have a son his name is Amen. He is just like you who always has a story to tell . He is 5 years old.Another thing Afa died 8 years ago I hope you can see him one day.Mako put his journal down and he told Amen to come and pick fruit with he .SPLASH,SPLASH Mako got into his canoe with Amen. ”Dad where are we going”? began Amen . “We are going to pick some bright juicy oranges and some big ripe bananas at that That island you see their”. Mako replied . “Where's mom”?Amen asked. “She is going to get some savory fish so we can have a nice dinner tonight”.Mako replied. …show more content…

The sun was down the moon was up all you can hear is waves splashing on to shore.They got a flashlight out a picked ripe bananas, juiciy oranges, tastety papya,andsome red mangos.When they were on their way home.In the ocean it was dark you can’t really see anything underwater.Splash a white fin came upon the canoe. “Tupa”! Mako screamed. “Who’s Tupa“?Amen yelled. Don’t worry Amen I know what to do”.Mako shouted. Mako got his arrow and bow and shot it to tupa.He missed he brought his bow and arrow back to the canoe. “ I will get you until you leave this place and I don’t want you to come back ever again I have a family and I don’t want you to hurt them or me”! Mako brarked. He shot the arrow Right into his left eye.He brought back the arrow and he left.Amen and Mako didn’t hear nothing for the rest of the way home . But there came Tupa as fast as He can he flipped over the canoe.The first thing he did is went of Amen and they swimmed back home. His wife was frightened. Mako said “Just get inside the house “! “Want happend”!His wife

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