Personal Immigration Story Essay

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Immigration is undoubtedly the root cause for our diverse population. There are factors that contribute to the act of immigration from one’s native country to a foreign country. Factors that contribute to this consist of obtaining a better life for one’s family and acquiring better living circumstances. My family’ immigration story is based on just that. My personal immigration story dates back to the mid 1900’s. A section of my family immigrated to this country as a result of the bracero program. The term bracero can be defined as manual laborer. Author Schaefer (2015) notes that more than 80,000 Mexican nationals were brought in as braceros to grow and harvest crops. My great-grandfather on my father’s side of the family took part in the …show more content…

My great-grandmother was living with her father at that time since her parents were separated. This was quite odd since family life during this time period was quite prominent. The interesting fact of the matter is that my great-grandfather ultimately lied to my great-grandmother in order to convince her to move to Mexico; he told her he was a wealthy man and owned a quantity of lands in Coalcoman, Michoacán. This false information intrigued my great-grandmother and convinced her to marry him and move to Mexico. When my great-grandparents arrived to my great-grandfather’s residency in Mexico, my great-grandmother was shocked to see that his living circumstances were not what he made them out to be. Due to the policy of the bracero program, my grandfather was only able to temporarily stay in the United States as a contracted laborer. He did not acquire his residency status until later on in …show more content…

Life for my parents as first generation Mexican-Born Americans was somewhat grandfathered into a role in a time where America was facing the biggest drug epidemic, racial discrimination against poor working Mexicans, and gender equality roles becoming more present during the Reagan and Bush administration. They grew up on the notion of becoming a better person in modern society and they took advantage of the benefits of education in order to obtain a better job than the one their family was forced to by working in the grape fields for more than thirty years. I recall my grandfather giving the best advice about going to college in order to work in better environmental conditions such as working in an office with the luxuries of an air conditioner. He continued to mold our way of thinking to being better working productive citizens; in that he could trust that we would have our daily bread at the dinner table every night reunited with one’s family. Since that was the biggest struggle for my family when they lived in Mexico, since they never knew if they would partake in decent modest dinner every evening; for that is the main reason that my grandparents and their families immigrated to this country at a fairly young age; so they would not have to endure harsh

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