Personal Experience: My Experience In The Army Cadets

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I joined the Army Cadets in August 2014 I am a Cadet at 1Platoon Strathaven Royal Scottish Borderers in Glasgow and Lanarkshire Battalion. I decided to join the Army Cadets because I was becoming bored at home and wanted to make new friends. I'm very energetic and knew that joining would be great in terms of keeping me active through activities at weekend / annual camps and at the detachment At the first thought of being a cadet I thought that it would be rubbish and boring and I would not like it but as my parents said “if you go and try it and don't like it then you don't need to go back”. So I did I went just at the start of 1st year at school and I've loved it ever since.
Every Monday and Thursday I go to cadets. Monday is where I wear …show more content…

I have met so many people through cadets and I've learned so much. I joined cadets not knowing a soul there, and now they are my best friends, I couldn't have had a better experience without them all. I learned how to do first aid and I am now a qualified First Aider. We do an activity called fieldcraft where we learn how to live and operate stealthily in the field during the day and at night. We start with the basics of constructing a shelter, feeding in the field, maintaining ourselves and our weapon, and personal camouflage and concealment . As we progress we master how to locate an enemy and how to indicate targets, patrolling skills, obstacle crossing, and fire and movement as an individual and as part of a section. This is my favourite part of cadets as I get to kit up set up a shelter get camouflage cream on and cover myself in anything that I will blend in with and I love properly going in for a section attack on a enemy and firing black rounds but the only downside is that you need to clean the rifle when you're finished and it is hellish. We also do skill at arms and most people will never have fired a weapon before but we get to fire shotguns for clay pigeon shooting which the shotgun hurts you're shoulder so much but it is so fun. We shoot real live rounds at a 100 metre target which I find very exciting because I'm lying there with a lethal weapon that is fully loaded and

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